Cindy Aurum Final Fantasy XV

Working again on my white background for high-key images.  I asked for another test subject and Ashleigh Weasley stepped up with a great cosplay from Final Fantasy XV.  You will have to excuse my ignorance on this one yeah I played Final Fantasy but not the latest version of the game so this character I didn’t know until she gave me the lowdown.  Cindy Aurum is a Mechanic in the story and as I understand can fix anything.  I have included some unedited images within this group for comparison.  If you are interested in shooting on this backdrop please ignore the prices and reach out to me.   I want to get some more experience in this type of environment.

Rulison Photography : Social Media

Ashleighweasley : Social Media

Cindy Aurum Final Fantasy XV

Cindy Aurum Final Fantasy XV

Cindy Aurum Final Fantasy XV