Witchy Time of the Year

Brooke stopped by to have an impromptu photoshoot.  She brought over a cute little Witch costume along with a her blackout contact lenses to do two looks.  One the cute Witch and the second to scare the living shit out of people.  Of course I liked both but my person preference is most likely not what you think.  I have made it no secret that I like scary things I watch horror movies with the lights out and usually alone.  Of course I watch it alone mainly because my family is not so keen on watching scary movies.  That said although I liked the blackout lenses and the cool scary photos we did I really liked the cute Witch.  I liked what we did with the cauldron.  Well enjoy the photos and of course if you share be sure to credit the model and the photographer.

Rulison Photography : Social Media

BrookeIsABee : Social Media

Witchy Time of the Year

Witchy Time of the Year

Witchy Time of the Year