I have been sitting on this blog post for some time. The main reason is that I didn’t have some of the basic editing skills in photoshop to do a decent job. You see what the shoot was is a Psylocke body painted onto a cosplayer. The cosplayer in question is Kaorious and she was the one who set this shoot up. I was lucky enough to join Nelson to do this shoot and we used my garage studio for the location. I felt a little embarrassed at the condition of my home you have to understand I have three kids and our house is LIVED IN it does not sit pretty it gets beat up, dogs chewing on walls, messed up carpet etc.. I wouldn’t change my house for the world because simply put we are a family and I am not going stifle my kids just so I can have cleaner walls. So with my embarrassment put on hold we were able to get the amazing Pashur body painter up to the house to tackle the project. Where does the photoshop editing skills come in? Well although you can cover certain bits it’s actually easier for the body painter if you just go natural. Sure there is some magic to cover the down stairs but our lovely lady didn’t have that coverage on the upstairs. This means I had to photoshop out the peaky points and simply put my skills in photoshop are not fantastic. With some classes taken by Karl Taylor photography and just some practice I came back to these images and put an entirely new level of editing on them. I have to say I am pretty proud of the images now so please enjoy and remember to share and tag using the social media accounts below.
Rulison Photography : Social Media
Kaori : Social Media
Pashur : Social Media